Hi! I am Mel - thanks for coming on over to my website.

First (Nations) things first, I live on Darkingjung and Guringai Country. I was born on the Polynesian-settled-turned-penal colony-now-Pitcairn-territory, known to most as Norfolk Island. From the age of three, I was raised on the stolen lands and seas of the 'Gathang' speaking Birrbay, Guringay and Warrimay people - many of their mob who, in their friendship, guidance & caretaking of me, generously shared stories, ceremony, fishing & pipi-collecting hacks during those balmy summer evenings under the southern celestial sky.

I have deep gratitude & respect for the Saunders, French, Dumas and Davis mob. Over my life, they have shared Cultural Stories & Knowledge with me despite my relationship to settler violence and silencing - a sacred realisation I am only beginning to understand, appreciate & reconcile.

The LinkedIn version of my story, which might be more aligned with why you've found yourself in the first place, has been put into a short career profile below, or via the link.

  1. Through the camera lens: harnessing the power of participant-led storytelling for evaluation Co-presentation - Australian Evaluation Societies 2023 International Conference

  2. Impact Producing Program 2023 Inaugural program participant, Documentary Australia

  3. Storytelling for insights: using mobile app technology to monitor, measure and communicate impact from local voices (ACFID) Conference 2021 Co-presentation on behalf of Transform Aid International, Australian Council for International Development

  4. Exploring the link between child participation and development effectiveness &

  5. Exploring-the-link-between-child-and-youth-participation-and-development-effectiveness-Final-learning-p=aper.pdf (baptistworldaid.org.au)

  6. Co-author & research designer, facillator& collaborator , University of Technology Sydney (Institute of Sustainable Futures)

  7. Case Study Series: Academic and NGO Research Partnership  and

  8.  Improving development practice through strengthened research ethics: Learning from child and youth-focused research,Australian Council for International Development University Network 

  9. Welfare Poverty to Work Poverty The effectiveness of Welfare to Work in aiding single mothers into sustainable employment and 

  10. Painting a Picture of Australian Women over 50 Financial security, systemic barriers and workforce opportunities, Global Sisters 

  11. Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit, Presented on behalf of UTS collaborative research project, Making Cents International, Washington, 2014     

  12. National Outcomes Framework for Australian children aged 4-13 and Kit – money app for Australian children to enable their financial capability and well-being, EY

  13.  National Financial Capability Strategy  Australian Government/ Treasury 202, EY

  14. Impact Hub for Global Sisters in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Social Services - for Social Impact scaling across Australia.

  15. "Home" and "Yama Nguara" ,Central Coast Council

  16. Community-placed based and digital programming for economic inclusion and participation of women in Australia through self-employment, Global Sisters

  17. Outcome Measurement Initiative Grant, with the Australian Government Department of Social Services.to build the capacity of the Australian Social Impact Investing (SII) sector to define, measure and communicate their outcomes and social impact, Global Sisters

  18. First Australians Capital social impact advisory in designing and developing their impact framework.

  19. 'Child Centred Development Learning Project' - AusAID/DFAT innovation project, connecting partners for immersive in-country learning across five countries. with final report including the;

  20. Children Driving Change documentary - capturing children's voices about their roles in development, Baptist World Aid Australia

  21. Transform Aid International's privately funded community development program across Asia, Africa and Oceania

  22. International Programs Senior Leadership committee strategically directing Transform Aid Internationals program and partnership strategy, Human Rights-focused programming, safeguarding, PSEAH and innovation initiatives across 20 countries.

  23. Naughty Noodle Fun Haus Current Board Member and Impact Advisor

  24. The Research Society Full Member 2022/23

  25. Board Member 'A girl and her world.’ 2014- 2016

  26. ACFID Child Rights Working Group and Community of Practice – Safeguarding

  27. EY She Starts Out Program Participant: 2022 selected for the program alongside ten women business leaders across Oceania

  28. Australian Governments Gratitude Award - two consecutive years for "Contribution made to assisting Developing Countries to reduce Poverty and achieve sustainable development.

  29. Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development, AusAID - 2010/2011 Cambodia

  30. Impact and Evaluation | Community Engagement| Research and Writing (Sample) Little J and Big Cuz (Ned Landers Productions), Oxfam Australia, Child Fund Australia, Church Agencies Network (CAN), DET Victoria School for Student Leadership, Vets for Climate Action, Cambodian Children's Trust

Relevant Education

  • BA Community Development, Murdoch University

  • MA Creative Writing, Macquarie University (incomplete)

  • Impact Producers Program, Documentary Australia

  • Impact Producing - Australian Film & Television School

  • Innovative Leadership Program - Hargraves Institute

  • Lean Approaches to Measure Social Impact, Acumen Academy

  • Lean Analysis in Qualitative Research - UTS

  • Most Significant Change Technique - Clear Horizons

  • Program Logic, Clear Horizons

  • Financial Management for NGOs, Mango